
Round Tail Shape (Uncommon)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium has a spherically shaped glass tail!

 Cannot have an opening unless the Cork, Lid or Shaped Opening in Glass trait is also present. 

Visual Examples  

Geometric Tail Shape (Rare)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium has a geomectrically shaped glass tail!

Shapes include cubes, triangles, or any other geometric shape.

Visual Examples 

No Tail (Placeholder Rarity)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium has no tail!

Must have glass somewhere else on the body.

Visual Examples 

Bob Tail Shape (Super Rare)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium has a super short bob tail!

Deer and Bunnies automatically default to this tail type.

Shark/Fish Tail Shape (Super Rare)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium has a tail shaped like a fish!

Shapes include shark, fish, dolphin, mermaid, or any type of fin.

Very Long Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium has an unusually long tail!

The tail must be longer than the body.

Misc. Tail Shape (Ultra Rare)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium has a uniquely shaped tail!

Can be any tail shape that doesn't already have a defined trait.

Extra Tails (Elusive)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium has a mutation to give them extra tails!

Egg Tail Shape (Spring)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium's tail is shaped like an egg!

Extra Tails (Autumn) (Autumn)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium has a mutation to give them extra tails!

Heart Tail Shape (Winter)

Category: Tail

How lovely! Your furarrium has a heart shaped tail!

Bell Tail Shape (Winter)

Category: Tail

Ding dong! Your furarrium has a metal bell replacing their glass tail!

Must have glass elsewhere on the body.

Ornament Tail Shape (Winter)

Category: Tail

How festive! Your furarrium has an ornament replacing their glass tail!

Ornament can either be of the glass or the plastic bauble type.

Must have glass elsewhere on the body.

Normal Tail Shape (Common)

Category: Tail

Your Furarrium has the normal tail shape of their species.

This is a default trait that can be replaced with higher-rarity traits!

If you're creating a higher-rarity species, like a Bunny or Bear, you would use this trait instead of the Super Rare 'Bob-Tail' trait! (So it would NOT take a Super Rare item to add it on).

Animal Companion (Uncommon)

Category: Contents

An animal companion decided to hang around your furarrium! Can be found inside or outside of their glass. 

Companions can be any type of real or robotic creatures.

Mythical creatures aren’t officially allowed as companions, but feel free to include them in your own personal lore! This guideline simply helps keep companions visually distinct from our Pets.

Visual Examples  

Naturally Coloured Water (Uncommon)

Category: Contents

Your furarrium is filled with water!

Naturally colored water can be any shade of blue, cool greys, desaturated greens, or clearish.

Visual Examples 

Seasonal Plant & Water Contents (Uncommon)

Category: Contents

Your furarrium is filled with seasonal plants!

Seasonal plants include leaves that change colour, flowers that wilt, etc. Seasonal water can shift in hue or freeze in the winter.

Visual Examples 

Gas Contents (Rare)

Category: Contents

Your furarrium is filled with gas!

The gas can be any color, and is usually drawn with a "swirly" texture .

Visual Examples 

Ice/Snow Contents (Rare)

Category: Contents

Your furarrium is filled with ice and snow!

Cannot include clouds inside glass without the addition of the Storm Contents trait.

Visual Examples 

Food Contents (Rare)

Category: Contents

Your furarrium is filled with food!

Can include any food edible to humans. Does not inculde any liquids. 

Visual Examples 


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