
Glass on Paws (Uncommon)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium has paws made of glass!

Cannot extend beyond the ankle.

Visual Examples  

Tinted/Translucent Glass (Uncommon)

Category: Glass

A colored tint added to your Furarriums' glass!

The tint color cannot be at full opacity; the interior contents must still be visible. 

Visual Examples  

Partial Painted Glass (Uncommon)

Category: Glass

The outside of your Furarriums' glass is partially covered with opaque or semi-translucent paint!

Must not cover the entirety of the glass.

Visual Examples

Glass Patches/Markings (Rare)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium has markings made of glass!

Common markings include spots, stripes, or shaped patches.

Visual Examples 

Glass on Legs (Rare)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium has legs made of glass!

Can be any length beyond the paws.

Visual Examples 

Glass on Toes (Rare)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium has toes made of glass!

This trait includes pawpads.

Visual Examples 

Glass on Rear (Rare)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium has rear end made of glass!

Visual Examples 

Cork, Lid, or Shaped Opening in Glass (Rare)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium has an opening in their glass!

Openings can be any shape, and can be covered by any type of cork or lid. 

Visual Examples 

Glass Sweater/Pants/Torso (Super Rare)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium has a sweater, pants, or a torso made of glass!

Sweater and pants can be connected together to create a full body of glass. 

Visual Examples 

Broken Glass (Ultra Rare)

Category: Glass

Uh oh! Your furarriums' glass is broken! Careful not to spill any of the contents!

Can be anything from small cracks to full on chunks of glass missing. You can also have contents coming out from the cracks or breaks.

Solid Glass (Ultra Rare)

Category: Glass

Your furarriums glass is entirely solid!

Objects are suspended inside the solid glass like a paperweight or bubblegram glass.

Opaque/Fully Painted Glass (Ultra Rare)

Category: Glass

Your furarriums' glass is either fully opaque or is covered entirely with paint!

These furarriums are not empty, the contents are simply blocked from view.

Stained Glass (Spring)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium is like a stained glass window!

This trait allows the glass to be made up of different-colored shards, with metal welded in-between.

You have to have a Spring Trinket to get this trait!

Melted Glass (Summer)

Category: Glass

The glass is melting! Drips onto the floor, red-hot molten glass, and objects spilling out of the glass all go here.

You have to have a Summer Trinket to get this trait!

Glass Hair (Uncommon)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium has lucious locks made of glass!

Hair can be any style and any length. 

Blooming Glass (Spring)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium's objects on their body are spreading onto their tail!

Normally, objects on body are restricted to only being on the body. This trait allows the objects on body trait also extend onto the outside of the glass tail.

Mythical Skin Tone (Super Rare)

Category: Idol Specific

Your furarrium's idol form has an inhuman skin tone, like grey, blue, or otherwise!

No Animal Ears (Super Rare)

Category: Idol Specific

Your furarrium's idol form has only humanoid ears—no animal ears!

This trait DOES NOT apply to primal or archeon forms! They must STILL have animal ears! Human ears on primal or archeon forms are not allowed!

Different Fur and Hair Color (Rare)

Category: Idol Specific

Your Idol and Primal/Archeon's forms have different colored hair and fur!

By default, an idol form's hair has to have one color from the primal/archeon form's fur color, and vise versa. This trait allows the hair and fur to use completely different colors.

Hand and Feet Paws (Super Rare)

Category: Idol Specific

Your furarrium's idol form has paws for their hands and feet!

This trait is specifically to give idol forms paws. These paws may or may not have markings on them, and may or may not be shaped like primal paws and digitigrade feet.
However, any markings must be the same as the markings on the primal/archeon form.

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