
Round Tail Shape (Uncommon)

Category: Tail

Your furarrium has a spherically shaped glass tail!

 Cannot have an opening unless the Cork, Lid or Shaped Opening in Glass trait is also present. 

Visual Examples  

Animal Companion (Uncommon)

Category: Contents

An animal companion decided to hang around your furarrium! Can be found inside or outside of their glass. 

Companions can be any type of real or robotic creatures.

Mythical creatures aren’t officially allowed as companions, but feel free to include them in your own personal lore! This guideline simply helps keep companions visually distinct from our Pets.

Visual Examples  

Naturally Coloured Water (Uncommon)

Category: Contents

Your furarrium is filled with water!

Naturally colored water can be any shade of blue, cool greys, desaturated greens, or clearish.

Visual Examples 

Seasonal Plant & Water Contents (Uncommon)

Category: Contents

Your furarrium is filled with seasonal plants!

Seasonal plants include leaves that change colour, flowers that wilt, etc. Seasonal water can shift in hue or freeze in the winter.

Visual Examples 

Glass on Head (Uncommon)

Category: Glass

A portion of your furarriums' head is made of glass!

Common placements include ears, muzzles, and half of the face. 

Visual Examples  

Glass on Paws (Uncommon)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium has paws made of glass!

Cannot extend beyond the ankle.

Visual Examples  

Tinted/Translucent Glass (Uncommon)

Category: Glass

A colored tint added to your Furarriums' glass!

The tint color cannot be at full opacity; the interior contents must still be visible. 

Visual Examples  

Partial Painted Glass (Uncommon)

Category: Glass

The outside of your Furarriums' glass is partially covered with opaque or semi-translucent paint!

Must not cover the entirety of the glass.

Visual Examples

Glass Hair (Uncommon)

Category: Glass

Your furarrium has lucious locks made of glass!

Hair can be any style and any length. 

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